
CFP: Water in Legend and Tradition

Calls for Submissions, News from the Field

The Folklore Society are accepting papers for their 18th Legendary Weekend to be held on August 31, 2024, and September 1, 2024, at St Peter’s by the Waterfront in the United Kingdom. The event titled “Water in Legend and Tradition” is welcoming papers on topics relating to water in different traditional, supernatural, customary practices.

The event’s abstract highlights, “Whether you’re into holy wells or woe waters, hauntings or hydromancy, we’d like to hear from you. Contributions are welcome on eerie ponds, inland mermaids, canal culture, early spas, baptismal customs, lake monsters, and the lore of fords, falls, fountains, floods and fishpools. Anyone can join us – folklorists, healers, hydrologists, bargees, dowsers and storytellers. Presentations, which should be 20 minutes long, can take the form of talks, performances, or film.”

The event is in-person only and will not be live-streamed.

Contact: [email protected]

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