
CFP: The Politics of the Page: Visuality and Materiality in Illustrated Periodicals across Cold War Borders

Calls for Submissions

The organizers of an online seminar on May 13, 2022 are calling for proposals on the design and materiality of illustrated periodicals produced and read against the backdrop of the Cold War. Submissions are due by March 15, 2022.

The organizers invite contributions that explore aesthetic, historical, theoretical or methodological approaches to the ‘politics of the page’. They are interested in periodicals’ visual and material strategies as these manifest in the layout, typography, uses of photography, choices of format, ways of production, reproduction or circulation, during the Cold War. 

Proposals for 15-minutes presentations should include a short abstract (approximately 300 words) along with the submitter’s name, institutional affiliation, email address, and a short bio, sent to workshop organizers Vincent Fröhlich and Mary Ikoniadou.

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