
Check Out Our New Roundup of Folklore Podcasts

AFS News
A woman in an office wearing headphones attached to an audio recorder
WV Field School recordist. Photo by Debra Lattanzi Shutika.

AFS is excited to announce the launch of a new resource on the AFS website: a collection of podcasts about folklore by practitioners, academics, and producers interested in the field. Building on the efforts of former AFS graduate assistant Violet Baron and former communications manager TJ Smith, the page aggregates podcasts, including The African American Folklorist, Folklife Today from the American Folklife Center, New Books in Folklore, Yellow and Brown Tales, and many more.

This resource will grow with your help! Do you know of a podcast that explores any of the myriad aspects of folklore or folklore studies? Share it with us!

Check out other Resources of interests to folklorists. The AFS website presents a fledgling but growing selection of work in the field that helps current and prospective folklorists and cultural workers connect or advance their own work. We invite your suggestions to expand the Resource collection as well.

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